Asset Health Talk August 2022

Make Every Day a Self-Care Day!
Self-care, stress management and healthy routines are important components of your overall health. During this National Wellness Month, take a moment to think about all the ways you can incorporate wellness in your everyday life!

Aug. 1 Is National Homemade Pie Day!
Won’t you celebrate with us? Did you know pie has been around since ancient Egyptian civilizations? It is a dish that has touched just about every heritage through history and has certainly become one of our favorites! That’s probably because pie is so versatile that it can be a dessert, a dinner, a dish to pass and even a snack! Don’t miss our savory, end-of-summer pie recipe that pairs as a side dish with just about any spread! View your brand-new August newsletter to read more!

Keep your kids safe as they head back to school this fall.
The first week of school will be a breeze with our helpful ideas for organizing your family while heading back to school! Peek inside to learn more.

Let us know what you think! Find us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Happy reading, and remember, your health is your most valuable asset.®