Asset Health Talk August 2021

Taste-Test This Quick Bruschetta Turkey Burger Recipe!
As the summer sun ripens our garden tomatoes and they begin to burst with flavor, we have a fresh recipe you won’t want to miss! Open your August newsletter to view the quick ingredients for this healthy, tasty combo!

How Well Do You Really Know the Warning Signs of Skin Cancer?
Skin cancer is often associated with skin that has been exposed to sun, but a common form of cancer can also occur on areas of your skin not normally exposed to sunlight. Check out our article this month to learn the three most common types of skin cancer – and the signs and symptoms to look for.

The Overdose Epidemic – Learn How You Can Help
The overdose epidemic in the United States is drastically worsening with synthetic drugs like opioids. Knowing more about the different types of overdoses can save someone’s life. View this month’s newsletter to learn why International Overdose Awareness Day began and the vital steps you can take to help prevent overdoses.

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Happy reading, and remember, your health is your most valuable asset.®