We’re Debunking Type 2 Diabetes Myths and Giving You the Facts!
Don’t get caught in the trap of believing everything you read on the internet or hear from friends or family. With any serious condition or disease, such as type 2 diabetes, it’s important to know the facts and look to reliable sources for information, such as your physician. Check out this month’s newsletter to learn some misconceptions and myths regarding type 2 diabetes as well as the true facts.
Enjoy Safe Outdoor Activities While You Can!
After months of prolonged stay-at-home orders, there’s never been a better time than now to be outside and expand your personal space (while making sure to continue social distancing of course). Being outside offers us many benefits, especially an emotional boost, which everyone could use right now! Check out this month’s newsletter for ideas on social distancing-friendly outdoor activities.
Boost Your Mood With Quality Food!
It’s no secret that the foods we eat have a major influence on how we feel. Recent studies support the idea that diet is as important to mental health and wellbeing as it is to the heart, digestive system and hormone health. Did you know that 95 percent of serotonin (the “feel good” hormone) is produced in the gastrointestinal tract? There is a huge link between your gut and your brain! So, look inside this month’s issue to learn what to eat to give your mental health a boost!
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Happy reading, and remember, your health is your most valuable asset.®