Asset Health Wellbeing Wheel

Scientific research from the health and psychology fields has found that certain elements are important to flourishing and wellbeing. In addition to physical and mental health, these elements – or dimensions of wellbeing – support personal thriving, positive emotions and happiness, meaning and purpose, positive relationships, engagement, mastery and accomplishment, and financial health. 

Addressing all eight dimensions of the Asset Health Wellbeing Wheel is a great step toward achieving whole-person wellbeing.

Click on sections of the wheel to learn more about each dimension of wellbeing.

Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional wellbeing is defined as understanding, building awareness, and managing your feelings, values, and attitudes. It also includes appreciating the feelings of others and considers your general outlook on life.

Physical Wellbeing

Physical wellbeing is defined as caring and maintaining the health of your body now and in the future. This domain includes your nutrition, sleep, exercise and stress management habits, along with getting proper medical care and avoiding harmful habits.

Social Wellbeing

Social wellbeing is defined as having and maintaining healthy relationships that help you flourish and thrive. This domain includes activities such as developing friendships and intimate relations, managing conflict, caring about others, allowing others to care about you, and creating a sense of belonging in communities.

Financial Wellbeing

Financial wellbeing is defined as the ability to manage your resources and live within your means. This domain includes making healthy financial decisions and investments that align with your values, setting meaningful goals and creating budgets, and preparing for short-term and long-term needs.

Environmental Wellbeing

Environmental wellbeing is defined as the relationships between your environment, your community and yourself and how this impacts your health and wellbeing. This domain includes a variety of environments including, but not limited to, your home, neighborhood, workplace, and school. This can also include one’s own impact on the greater planet.

Occupational Wellbeing

Occupational wellbeing is defined as participating and finding fulfillment in work that aligns with your values, goals and lifestyle. This domain includes paid or volunteer work and study that provides personal satisfaction and life enrichment while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Spiritual Wellbeing

Spiritual wellbeing is about finding purpose, value, and meaning in your life, with or without organized religion. This domain includes participating in activities that are consistent with your overall beliefs and values and connect you to something larger than yourself.

Mental Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing is defined as practicing positive thinking habits, promoting growth mindset and engaging in the world intellectually. This domain includes fostering curiosity and love of learning, expanding one’s knowledge, and making decisions.