The goal of the Coronavirus Resources project is to amplify public health information from reliable and official sources, and share practical resources that apply to real-life scenarios, such as managing a healthy lifestyle while practicing social distancing, grocery shopping, and addressing the critical component of financial wellness in a time of economic crisis and uncertainty. This project is provided by Asset Health, as a resource for our greater community.

Knowledge is one of our most powerful weapons in the war against the virus.


For Health and Wellness During the COVID-19 Moment

Building Resiliency

Have you ever heard of the word “resilience?” It is defined by psychologists as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress. Read the full Read more…

Preventive Health Tips

Take Steps to Prevent Contracting the Cold, Flu or Coronavirus (COVID-19) At Asset Health, we care about the health and wellbeing of all individuals. There is currently no vaccine for Coronavirus, so the CDC recommends Read more…

No Gym No Problem

Maintain your workout routine at home, no equipment necessary. Keep your body healthy and happy while social distancing. Try one (or all) of our workouts below! Beginner Bodyweight Workout Advanced Bodyweight Workout 15-minute Cardio Workout Read more…

Mental & Emotional Health

Decreased social contact and negative news can takea toll on mental and emotional health. Self-care is not selfish.Pay attention to your mental and emotional health and equipyourself to boost your resiliency and be there for Read more…